About Me
Upon graduating Queen’s University in 2019, I worked in investment banking which consisted of a rigorous work schedule. As a result, I found it difficult to maintain my fitness routine and after COVID hit in early 2020, my physical health really started deteriorating.
One day, I decided that enough was enough. I took matters into my own hands, developed a weight loss strategy, and developed a simplistic home workout routine consisting solely of a pair of dumbbells and my bodyweight. I not only regained everything I’d lost, but reached my fitness peak.
I realized that you don’t need most of the equipment that the fitness industry advertises to achieve great results. My workouts solely consist of using dumbbells and my bodyweight at home. I do not go to the gym and have never taken performance enhancing drugs.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Many meal plans and workout programs require you to meticulously track macros and involve dozens of different exercises. I didn’t have time for that and I bet you don’t either.
I do my best to break concepts down to their most basic elements and focus on the ones that yield maximum results. Now, I want to share that knowledge with you and help you achieve your fitness goals.
Weight Loss Guide (Free)
Learn moreSimple tips and tricks you can use to lose or maintain your weight while on a busy schedule. Includes a list of filling, low-calorie snacks that can help satisfy cravings.
Custom Workout Plan ($299)
Learn MoreCustomized at-home, 3x per week full-body dumbbell-based training program. Plan also includes a "shortcut" guide on how to aesthetically look your best.
Online Coaching ($90 / 30 min)
Learn MoreSchedule a call and talk to me about whatever you like - fitness, career, life. I'll do my best to help you, whether that's giving advice or listening to you rant.
Why Choose Me?
Unlike many trainers that prioritize nutrition / exercise in their lives and will expect you to do the same, I understand that work and life very frequently get in the way. I've been there. My guides and programs take that into account and are designed to be kept as simple as possible. Fitness shouldn’t be overcomplicated because the rest of your life is complicated enough.
I’m certain that if you have the grit and determination to continuously grind through a rigorous work schedule, then you already possess same qualities that will enable you to achieve your fitness goals. I’ve done both and getting fit is easier in comparison with the correct guidance (the time commitment of exercising is minimal compared to the time you spend working or studying). I want to help you beat the odds to achieve your fitness goals so that you come out of your busy schedule feeling and looking better than ever before!